Martial Arts: Basics & Fundamentals

What is the role of a martial arts teacher?

A martial arts coach?

To get you, as a student, to that next level in half the time?


A teacher should take the experience they have, through classes, instruction, and training, take that and layer it over the mistakes that they have made in the martial arts, and distill that so the next generation of students don’t make those mistakes.

Or if they do, they get identified and eliminated as quickly as possible.

What is one of the best ways to eliminate mistakes in the martial arts?

The basics.

Every martial arts, school, style, and discipline has a set of basic movements, of fundamental movements that are the building block of the martial arts.

In the Japanese martial arts experience this would be the kihon- the basics.

What are the basics of your martial art?

Identify them and practice them every day as best you can.

These fundamentals are found I every martial arts movement, every future lesson uses them as a road map for the training. Every correction can be seen through them, and any time that you get lost in the training, being able to return to the basics as a roadmap will keep you going.

What are the basics/fundamentals in your martial art?

See you on the mat!


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