Martial Arts: Training At Home
In our martial arts taijutsu training we are looking to build on momentum and success.
Make steady progress each day so the days become weeks, weeks become months, months become years...
We follow a tradition and training set out by Soke, but what does this look like in class and outside of class?
Where does the real self-discovery come from?
Training outside of martial arts classes, training at home, is something that is very specific as it is the foundation and building blocks on getting better with the movement and positioning oneself to *catch* the feeling in class with an instructor.
Quite simply put, the martial arts are a physical art and one has to continually train outside of class to progress. So where do we start and what does that look like?
We start where we are. How much time do you have each day to practice the martial arts- realistically. Work on setting your schedule and life in such a way that you can get consistent practice in.
Work on making the time and using the time. In terms of a schedule or practice, here is the outline we follow in our dojo- as always check in with your own teacher/coach for feedback and the model used by your dojo. We start with junan taiso- stretching and body exercises to limber up and get the blood flowing.
Breathing excercises to promote well being.
A martial arts warm up.
Next is the kihon- the foundation of the Bujinkan.
The building blocks of all taijutsu movement, that no matter how much time in with training or rank, one is always working on and polishing.
One never moves on from the basics. These basics include ukemi, kamae, san shin no kata, and the kihon happo along with striking drills. (ten ryaku no maki)
Following this one practices specifics given by a teacher- what kind of movement are you working on to help take you to that next level? What exercises have you been given to help progress in taijutsu? Building on that we move to explore the lessons, exercises, and movement from the most recent class- looking to build and refine those movements so when we arrive at the next class we are ready for the next layer of movement in the lessons.
Finally finishing out with some free form practice- just moving around with no thought, no thinking (mushin)- just let the training move you- perhaps some striking drills or bag work?
Perhaps so bojutsu? Footwork drills? Look to make physical progress in taijutsu each and every day.
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