What is the best martial art to study?
Given all the different martial arts one can practice, are they all just as good?
These are natural questions when one begins the journey in the martial arts.
New students are eager to learn and discover, and want to make sure they are not wasting time with studying the wrong art.
So which is the best martial art to study?
It comes down to opportunity and the individual.
Disciple, style, and school are important, but not as important as the teacher your teacher in the martial arts
Sensei, coach, shihan, professor.
The correct martial arts mentor to help you unlock your movement and potential is what is needed.
This is the opportunity- who among the greats can you train under?
Second is the individual.
Your drive, dedication, and ability to learn correctly is what is important.
There are top and capable students in all martial arts styles, what are they doing is the focus, not the style itself.