What Does A Bujinkan Green Belt Mean?
What does a green belt (kyu) rank mean in the Bujinkan dojo?
Naturally one could discuss martial arts rank, a list of techniques, and what is required for green belt, but would that be the best time for this post?
If you are in the Bujinkan you don’t need to ask about rank, as your teacher-coach (shidoshi) will take care of that with you and make sure you need to know and do what you need to do.
I’d rather answer the question of what does a green belt in the Bujinkan mean from somebody outside the dojo, maybe a new student in the martial arts perhaps considering a journey through the Bujinkan arts, or if a new martial arts friend was looking to join our dojo.
The green belt in the Bujinkan dojo is about a journey of self-discovery.
As a new student one learns how to us the body (taijutsu), while discovering insights on the martial path and what the potential of a human being is- the green belt awakes that potential.
Along the way with that journey there is a decision point- to continue and enter the martial gate of the Bujinkan as a black belt student, or having learned about oneself, take those experiences and leave the dojo applying them to life and life development.
Naturally experiencing how much the teachings of the Bujinkan have impacted my life, making the impossible possible, I want all of those who train with me and I help to stay at the dojo and train forever, but if they leave to pursue other life destinies, what they will have are a few years of experience that will help them fulfil those other life destinies.
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