Sunday, December 31, 2023

Martial Arts Health & Age

As a martial artist, we start where we are and make improvements every day in eliminating weakness.

Days become months, months become seasons, and seasons become years.

It’s not a race, but a journey.

Certainly there are philosophical, intellectual, and spiritual aspects to the martial arts, and while some arts can be more physical vs. others, the physical-body component of the arts cannot be dismissed.

Your physical body is the vehicle to experience and navigate the martial arts.

You need to be working on, building, and maintaining your body.

Make small adjustments to your body and build on them gradually, just as you are doing in the martial arts.

Physical exercise- weight lifting, hiking, resistance training, movement to build muscles.

Endurance exercise- running, swimming, and other physical sports that get you moving, movement to build endurance and stamina.

Flow exercise- Yoga, stretching, light walking, movement to move the muscles and body in a soft relaxed way.

Work on making your diet the best you can.

Drink more water.

Make these changes and build on them in support of your martial arts, a holistic approach, do something fun and engaging.

Don’t neglect the physical training and aspects of the martial arts.

See you in the dojo!

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The aim of the Bujinkan Shinmyoken Dojo (school of the life giving sword) is to understand nature and the movement of being zero through taijutsu- martial ways of using the body. The school exists to create and transmit this feeling and method through the experience of isshi soden.

Located in Westchester New York, the Bujinkan Shinmyoken Dojo is a martial arts training group founded in 2005 with the aim of coming together as martial arts friends to study the Japanese martial arts of Masaaki Hatsumi through the movement lessons of the Bujinkan Dojo.

Training is supervised by Fred Feddeck who has been studying Bujinkan Budo Taijutsu since 1993.

Classes are held on Saturday Mornings from 9-11 AM at a local park in Yonkers New York easily accessible by car, train, and bus. Additional training times are held for workshops and seminars each quarter.

Questions, feedback, and inquiries may be directed to the group here:

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This mailing list is used to provide updates regarding upcoming seminars and workshops, along with meeting times for our once a month martial arts meetup to discuss and explore various topics in our training.

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